Categories: Opinions

Senior drops sorority and rushes again

By Simon Boes

Executive Staff

Sources confirmed an odd occurrence on Upper-class Shake Day Saturday, September 23. A senior girl, who will remain anonymous for privacy concerns, dropped her sorority Chi Omega and rushed Kappa Gabba Gabba for her final one and a half semesters. For the purpose of identification throughout the article, she has agreed to be codenamed “Jane Doe.” For those unfamiliar with the phenomenon of Shake Day, the Greek system at Sewanee boasts an estimated 80% student body involvement rate. One of the most highly anticipated days of the year besides senior comprehensive exams, Greek organizations accept new members these days.

The Sewanee Purple Investigative Team caught up with “Jane Doe” on Monday after postponing a Sunday meeting due to her “feeling like a burnt granger.” When asked about her shocking decision, the senior explained, “I dropped my sorority and joined a new one just so I can experience Shake Day again.” Questioned about the life-long friends she was with for three years and the countless hours volunteering for Chi Omega, “Jane Doe” stated, “That is all secondary to the euphoric Shake Day experience.”

April Lavigne (C’18), “Jane Doe’s” sober-buddy allowed the The Sewanee Purple Investigative Team a brief interview. Lavigne offered, “We started off with a few games of chess — which I won. Then we played the ATOs in football and…well we didn’t win.” Reports confirmed the Alpha Tau Omegas sold under-the-table tickets to the sporadic football game and fundraised over $400 for another ten cases of beer. ATO Henry Bolingbroke (C’18) acknowledged, “That was more exciting than the real football game.”

As a final statement, “Jane Doe” let it slip that, “I may drop Kappa Gabba Gabba next semester and rush Tri Delt.”
