Letter from the Editor

Dear readers,

I was recently fortunate enough to journey to Louisville, Kentucky with four of my co-workers, Anna Mann (C’20), Lucy Wimmer (C’20), Mandy Tu (C’21), and Alicia Wikner (C’21), to attend the National College Media Convention.

This was my third year attending, and I’ve felt lucky each time to meet with other college journalists and discuss how we can improve our craft to better serve our communities. Often, it’s daunting; we’re a tiny paper compared to big school dailies that complain they only have 70 people on staff.

However, what I’ve learned is that our paper has a lot of heart. A professional journalist critiquing our latest print issue commended us for our serious, thoughtful focus on local issues.

We still have a lot to work on. We realized our website was woefully lacking, and we quickly moved to re-design, making it more user-friendly. I encourage you to find us at thesewaneepurple.org. We welcome feedback, now and always.

For this issue, I’m proud of the coverage by Lucy Rudman (C’22) on the new Rainbow Fund, which highlights Sewanee’s LGBTQ+ history. I also thank Max Saltman (C’21) for his moving op-ed in the wake of the lives lost at the Tree of Life synagogue. In these times, we need the Sewanee community the most.


Fleming Smith ‘19
